save flickr – save yahoo mail

Microsoft is going to attempt to incorporate flickr and the other yahoo services into its portfolio. points out that multiple important open source projects that are directly competing with microsoft technology like YUI

What can we do to prevent that?

Everybody buy yahoo shares to make it go up to $40 and vote against the merger?

Everybody pull their content out of flickr when the purchase happens?

If you have a creative and smart idea, please comment…

Discovering WordPress

Today I decided to try out wordpress – I have been reading blogs for a while and found that I express some of my ideas and thoughts in all those disparate web 2.0 / social networking style entities: yelp, flickr, linkedin, studivz (german equivalent of facebook/myspace), …

So here are my two main concerns

1. ‘personality striptease’ ?

These websites tend to make you publish too much personal information. In particular facebook/studivz are ‘greedy’ for any bit of personal info since they aim to monetize it by targeted advertisement.

One way to address this is to have multiple identities, a professional one, a private-public one, a private-friends one, and ideally they are under pseudonyms with minimal overlap in published content to make it hard to identify them… Of course this makes the second point even worse:

2. manageability

I have to keep all those accounts and passwords straight – wouldn’t it be nice if we had a strong central authentification mechanism?

Since flickr is part of yahoo I liked the fact that I did not have to keep a separate identity for my email and my photos since they now are under the umbrella of the same provider – thats great. But cross-provider would be even better, albeit more dangerous…

facebook and the like try to offer this, to consolidate different social networking providers into one view – while I think that is great for the owner of the view, it is undesireable to publish the joined view to the public or greedy data collectors.

So here I come, creating yet another username account, and linking together at least three presences: wordpress, flickr, yahoo email. Lets see how it goes… – WordPress has something called OpenId that seems to do what I want, but none of the sites I currently use are listed on their